Introducing Geographic information system (GIS)

A Strategy to Combine Customer Geographic Data with Digital Advertising – Here’s What You Should Know

BRICK is to announce a new strategic partnership with the world’s largest source of intelligence on people and places.


Through the partnership, BRICK now offers GIS (Geographic Information Systems), the latest in ad tech to support digital advertising impact. 


Keep reading for brick-and-mortar businesses should consider GIS, and how the technology is poised to change the digital advertising landscape.

What is GIS?

BRICK’s GIS is third-party data technology that uses mobile signals to deliver real-time and
historical data for making informed strategic decisions.  


The platform aggregates mobile location data into dashboards on consumer demographics
and movements in geo-targeted radii.


It also offers advanced analytics into behavioral trends based on location.


Clients will see collections of data points across maps, which are both scalable and representative of
different approaches to coordination tracking.


There are four types of tracking mechanisms in GIS:

Visitor Demographics
the structure of a customer population

Mobile Trade Area
the region in which consumers come to a location
Visitor Origin Points
where consumers originate from before going to a location
Visitor Heat Maps
density of consumers by region per targeted location

How GIS Helps Businesses

GIS is BRICK’s advanced market & business intelligence reporting that complements advertising outreach.


The reports help businesses understand and contextualize customer’s geolocation, movements, and trace behavior.


Insight into visitations, shopping patterns, market performance, and competitor trade areas informs decisions on where to target ads, and which local regions marketing needs to reach.


This information also helps businesses avoid wasting resources by targeting consumers that live outside a company’s core trade area and are unlikely to become customers.


In the case of digital advertising, BRICK’s GIS can show customer interaction with a storefront in after a geo-targeted digital ad is deployed.


The platform offers geo-targeting for businesses on a larger scale than before – giving marketers an opportunity to access more customers in their area.


In addition to this unprecedented feature set that BRICK provides, GIS also helps determine ROI easier with clear evidence-based decisions about what kind of advertising works best at any given time or location.

GIS & The Future of Advertising

The future holds massive changes for advertising and marketing alike, especially when it comes to using data to guide strategy.


Data is changing the advertising world. For example, Google has recently announced plans to move away from using cookies as a data-gathering tool for their services and instead rely on third party sources that allow advertisers access to audience targeting information.

This shift will have significant implications for all businesses in terms of how they glean insights about clients and customers based off website visits or social media activity.


The inevitable focus on third-party data renders BRICK’s GIS an essential tool, especially for brick-and-mortar stores looking to strategize their marketing.


Essentially GIS Suite allows businesses to use in a unique kind of data-driven marketing on a local and region level. 

When it comes to research, using Big Data this geo-targeted capacity enables storefronts to construct a more complete picture of how customers interact within their trade area.


Following that, visitations and movement data inform strategy on where to deploy ads; they’re also used to validate whether targeted customers responded.


starts at $150 per report (with volume discounts)