RAISE is a secure, easy to use donation platform for all types of organizations
  • RAISE maximizes organizations’ fundraising efforts online
  • RAISE makes it easy for donors to give with one-click donations


By setting up an account with RAISE, donor will be able to:

  • Save and update their info
  • Use a one-click feature for future donations
  • View and manage donations
  • Set up multi-factor authentication to strengthen security of payment and personal data
  • Update payment and personal info

RAISE is extremely secure. Our platform uses STRIPETM as the payment gateway with the highest security SSL. Donor info is encrypted to store in our database. RAISE also provides multi-factor authentication to strengthen security.

Multi-factor authentication means you will need two forms of identification to log into your account: your login credentials, and a unique passcode generated by a multi-factor authentication through email, sms, or voice call.

You can set up multi-factor authentication in the donor portal, under the “Profile” setting.

After creating an account with RAISE, you can access the portal by visiting this link: www.secure.raiseplatform.com

You can view your donation history by going into the Donor Portal . Under the “Contributions” tab, you will see all donations made.

To request a refund or cancel a donation, go to the Donor Portal. Under the “Contributions” tab, click on the button to request a refund (one-time donation)/ cancel (monthly donation).
Please note that you have two weeks after donating to request the refund for your one-time donation. And, you have two weeks before the date your money is withdrawn to cancel your monthly donation.

In the Donor Portal, under the “Profile” tab, you can change your payment info by clicking on the “Update Card” button. Make your changes and save them by clicking on the “Update” button.

In the Donor Portal, under the “Profile” tab, you can change your personal info, and then click the “Update” button to save the change(s).

Yes, the maximum donation  amount is $100,000

In the Donor Portal, under the “Profile” tab, you can change your password by clicking on the “Change Password” button and following the prompts.

If you forget your password or did not create one, please click on the “Retrieve Password” button on the Sign In form. A temporary password will be sent to your email.

If a card is being stored so that it can be charged later, we send a request to the bank for a $0 or a $1 authorization for verification. Then, we reverse our authorization request immediately. It can take a bank anywhere from a few minutes to a few weeks for the pending charge to be removed.

For your security, we allow only one credit card to be linked to one email address (RAISE account). You can use the same email address (RAISE account) to donate to other organizations who partner with us. If you want to change your email address for your RAISE account, please contact us.


  • RAISE offers one-click donation to simplify the process.
  • RAISE is extremely secure. It offers features like multi-factor authentication, STRIPETM payment gateway SSL, and donor info encryption data.
  • RAISE is easy to set up whether the organization has a website or not

Please contact our team to have RAISE set up for your organization: 612-746-4232  or via email at sales@trybrick.com

After the deductions of the RAISE application fee (2% per transaction) and the STRIPE application fee (2.9% + 30¢ per transaction), the payout will be deposited to the linked STRIPE account of your organization.

STRIPETM is an extremely secure platform to process online payments. By using STRIPE, RAISE is able to secure users’ private information and quickly distribute payout to  your organization. A STRIPE account is required in order to use our platform. We can link your existing STRIPE account to RAISE or create a new account for you.

Our team will help build your donation form and incorporate it into your existing website or create a web page for donations on our secure domain.

Yes, our donation form is compatible with most website builders and can be embedded into your webpage.